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Hot Topics

Please find below, some of the current topics our community is dealing with.

Open House for Dr. Pintea

May 22nd, 2024|

Join Us in Celebrating Dr. Dana Pintea's Remarkable Career and Retirement! Dr. Dana Pintea is retiring after [...]

Dr Pintea Retiring

April 1st, 2024|

Dear Patients, It is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my retirement as of June 6, [...]

Flu Shot Reporting

November 9th, 2023|

We care about your well-being, and ensuring you stay healthy is our top priority. To help us [...]

Lyme Disease

May 25th, 2023|

Testing Ticks for Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Please refer to the Geneticks website at for tick [...]

Online Appointment Booking

February 3rd, 2023|

Book Your Routine Nurse Practitioner Visit Today! Maintaining good health is essential, and a regular visit to [...]

Helping Tablet Medication Taste Better

November 18th, 2022|

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